The Colorized Channel All-Access

$5.99 a month after 14-day free trial

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New this month (fully colorized, of course):
The 1953 Academy Awards Show hosted by Bob Hope
Rare TV Pilots for The Shadow and Lee Falk's The Phantom
Shemp's solo film Bride And Gloom and Joe Besser's Hook A Crook.

Colorized Channel features Classic Black-And-White Films rendered and shown in full color. Your All-Access subscription allows you to view them all at any time and supports our work bringing new life to these films for a new younger audience that, frankly, prefers color. In addition to features we are adding Rare Television and Pilots unseen any where else.
We are on track to add two or more new colorized titles per week, with your support, that is.

  • Horror/Sci-Fi

    23 videos

    There will certainly be a few of these that you never got around to watching.
    As much as we love these old titles, it is refreshing to see them in color.
    You'll notice things you never noticed before. You'll even stay awake.

  • Classic TV

    6 videos

    So many programs with so many stars have disappeared entirely from view.
    We aim to correct that. We are targeting Anthology Dramas and Variety in addition
    to the expected lost sitcoms and dramatic series. All Colorized, of course!

  • Musicals
    10 videos


    10 videos

    Feel Free to Sing-Along, preferably while Dancing Along.
    These joyous escapist films might be just what we need these days.
    They deserve to be bright and colorful.

  • High Adventure

    6 videos

    Pirates, Battles, Exploration and staying after school with Miss Crabtree, these are the
    adventures we all want to have done in the Grand Hollywood style, but now in glorious color!

  • Exploitation

    3 videos

    Adults Only!
    Guard Your Daughters! Gird Your Loins! Refrigerate Your Sandwiches!
    It's the Invasion Of The Schlockmeisters.
    Questionable taste, 30's style (also 40s, 50s, and 60s style). Now In Sexploitastical Color!

  • Comedy
    9 videos


    9 videos

    Conventional Physics cannot explain Comedy.
    Try it yourself. Can't be done. They can't explain
    Dark Matter or Dark Energy either. (Nevermind Dark Comedy.)
    Brighter and funnier in color!

  • Stooges
    2 videos


    2 videos

    Rare Stooges Appearances and Solo Films.
    Colorized, of course, you knucklehead!

  • Mystery, Crime and Noir

    6 videos

    Film Noir - marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace.
    Dark, moody, shadowy and urban.
    Even in color, as you'll see.

  • Pre Code
    2 videos

    Pre Code

    2 videos

    Innuendo, profanity, drugs, promiscuity, prostitution, infidelity, abortion, violence...What's not to like?
    Until the 1934 crackdown, Hollywood depicted adults in adult-themed movies, albeit a bit blatantly.
    If it's over-the-top sensationalism you want, you got your quarter's worth back then. And...

  • Hitchcock
    2 videos


    2 videos

    The films the legend made that made the legend.
    Now in color.